Targeted support has been extended to entrepreneurs and exporters of the Jizzakh region
On April 8 this year, the Government Commission on Foreign Trade, Investments, Development of Local Industry and Technical Regulation consisting of heads of ministries, agencies, industry associations and commercial banks headed by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan S.Umurzakov visited the Jizzakh region. The purpose of the visit is to study the current state of the socio-economic development of the region, to identify promising tasks for its further stimulation, as well as to assist business entities in solving topical issues.
During the stay in the region, a meeting was held with business representatives, at which the issues faced by local entrepreneurs and exporters in the process of economic activity were comprehensively discussed.
The event was attended by more than 300 entrepreneurs and exporters, almost every one of whom had the opportunity to turn to the leadership of the Commission for support in solving existing issues. The issues were mainly related to the allocation of credit resources, extension of interest payments on previously received loans, obtaining various permits and licenses, connection to utility networks, and the need to find foreign customers for export deliveries.
Each problem was worked out with the involvement of the heads of the relevant ministries, agencies and local authorities of the districts and cities of the region. The problem-solving algorithms developed during the cross-discussion and analysis were immediately sent to the relevant structures to take response measures within the designated time frame.
The studied cases, as well as the mechanisms for their solution, taking into account their systemic nature, were adopted for making specific decisions at the level of the Government Commission and their subsequent implementation in other regions of the country.
The event was broadcast online on social networks, which allowed entrepreneurs and exporters who were unable to personally participate in the meeting to address their questions to the leadership of the Government Commission through the official resources of the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade on social networks Facebook and Instagram. Each online appeal received its own specific decision and was taken under control.
Following the meeting, the relevant executives received targeted instructions to address the identified issues. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan will monitor the implementation of the tasks set.