Nestle is the largest producer of food and beverages, as well as an expert in the field of healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
The company’s credo is to improve life by providing consumers with high-quality products. The history of Nestle begins in 1866. Today, the company has over 4,000 brands known to consumers in 6 continents. Nestle has 330,000 employees in more than 150 countries, has factories and offices in 83 countries.
Nestle Uzbekistan LLC was founded on the basis of Nafosat dairy plant in Namangan region in February 2000 (in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 13, 1999). The company believes in huge long-term potential of Uzbekistan, and therefore continues to invest in the country.
The company in Namangan began operations in 2002. Initially, production of drinking water and sterilized milk was launched in Namangan plant. Later in 2004, mastered the production of children’s cereals. In 2011, Nestle Uzbekistan launched a new drinking water plant in Tashkent. In 2013 – a new milk production plant in Namangan.
Nestle Uzbekistan plants are equipped with advanced European production lines, which are updated on a regular basis. Each stage of technological processing of all raw materials and packaging is carefully monitored in modern laboratories.
LLC Nestle Uzbekistan takes an active part in supporting farmers by organizing various educational programs and consultations.